Yin Yoga & Gongbath with Aiste Li and Connie Gorming
Friday January 3rd, 2025 at 16-18.30 at Salig Østerbro
As we step into the new year, join us for a serene and transformative Yin Yoga & Gong Bath, a sacred space to honor yourself and set intentions for the journey ahead.
This special 2.5-hour session is a magical journey through body and mind, combining the gentle practice of Yin Yoga with the healing vibrations of gongs and other instruments. Together, they create a deeply restorative and redemptive experience.
Releasing the Old: Let go of what no longer serves you—stress, tension, and past energies.
Embracing Renewal: Align with the Water and Air Elements, inviting flow, clarity, and emotional balance into your life.
Nourishing Your Inner Being: Activate the Kidney, Bladder, and Heart Meridians to support your immune system, boost vitality, and cultivate relaxation.
What to Expect:
• In Yin Yoga, we work with the connective tissue and breath, holding seated and lying poses for 1–5 minutes to gently release tension and improve energy flow.
• While you are in the poses, you will simultaneously receive the profound healing vibrations of gongs and other instruments, amplifying relaxation and balancing your nervous system.
Set Your Intentions: Reflect on what you wish to release, and plant seeds for a year filled with peace, purpose, and inner strength.
No prior experience with Yin Yoga is needed—this practice is open to everyone.
Reserve your space now to start 2025 with presence, self-care, and a deeper connection to your inner being.
Salig yoga studio,
Masnedøgade 20,
2100 Kbh Ø
Friday 3rd January 2025
At 16-18.30. The doors open 15 minutes before
DKK 395 via mobile pay 52390013
Connie Gorming
Connie is deeply passionated about exploring the intricate connections between the body, breath, energy, yoga, and movement. With an intuitive and present teaching, Connie creates a safe and nurturing space for growth, encouraging students to tap into their own potential and embrace the beauty of their personal journey.
Her approach is rooted in the belief that understanding the language of the body and integrating it with the mind is key to unlocking balance and harmony.
She loves witnessing and guiding into how practices like yoga and mindfulness combined with meditation, breath and movement can transform people’s lives, fostering greater awareness, love & kindness, strength, and inner peace.
Aiste Li
Aiste is an open-minded and curious psychologist, sound therapist, and healer, dedicated to helping others find harmony and joy in their lives. With a passion for raising vibrations and creating positive energy, Aiste blends her expertise with compassion to support personal transformation and emotional well-being.
Through her work, Aiste fosters deeper connections with the self and the world, inspiring others to embrace their authentic selves and discover the beauty of living with joy and purpose.
With warmth and gratitude,
Connie and Aiste
395 kr til mobilpay 52390013 med tekst Yin 3.1.25
Billetten refunderes ikke ved afbud men kan videregives til en anden.
Søndag den 26. januar 2025 KL. 15-17.30 hos Salig Østerbro
Kære du
Kristian og jeg glæder os til igen at invitere dig, din veninde, ven, mand eller evt arbejdskollega med til den sidste planlagte skønne workshop hvor Yin yoga, musik og mantra sange bliver smukt forenet.
Jeg vil guide dig igennem 2,5 timers fordybende og forløsende Yin yoga i samspil med Kristians musik og vidunderlige stemme. En helt igennem magisk rejse gennem krop og sind
Et skønt program med fokus på at vække vores livskraft og styrke vores livsenergi.
Yin yoga arbejder vi med bindevævet og åndedrættet. Stillingerne er siddende og liggende og de holdes i 1-5 minutter. Du behøver ikke have prøvet det før- alle kan være med.
Salig yoga studio, Masnedøgade 20, 2100 Kbh Ø
Søndag den 26. januar 2025
Kl 15-17.30. Dørene åbnes 15 min før
395 kr via mobilpay 52390013
Send sms ved tilmelding på samme nummer for at sikre, der er plads.
Ved afbud refunderes pengene ikke men pladsen kan videregives til en anden.
Der er alt udstyr, så du behøver ikke tage noget med. Kom blot i behageligt tøj og tag en extra trøje og sokker med.
Vi glæder os rigtig meget til at møde dig, gense dig og til at dele denne vidunderlige aften med dig.
Kærlige hilsner
Kristian & Connie
395 kr til mobilpay 52390013 med tekst Yin 26.1.25
Billetten refunderes ikke ved afbud men kan videregives til en anden.